Thomas Meder
I would like to greet you warmly here
and invite you to a massage,
which should lead you into pure relaxation.
I am a state-certified masseur,
Ayurveda massage therapist and theologian.
I actually wanted to be a pastor and studied theology, but I wasn't happy with it ...
I have the 'profession' of a masseur
found my affair of the heart.
In 1999 my professional path in massage began with a two-and-a-half year training as a state-certified masseur.
As a massage therapist
I was in the hospital for natural healing in Munich Harlaching (2002)
and in the Rehabilitation Clinic Höhenried am Starnberger See (2003-2006).
Since 2007 I have been working as a freelance masseur in various hotels in the greater Munich area.
I experienced particular joy and fulfillment in the training for Ayurveda - Massage - Therapist in 2009 .
Since 2019 is my massage practice in The Starnbergsee Hideaway
I incorporate the art * of all my massage training into my treatments.
I look forward to pampering you,
To increase your well-being and to lead you a little bit more to yourself.
Gnothi seauton.